In Wrongful Death Cases, Results Are Vital

If you lose a spouse or family member due to another person’s actions, you can hold that person accountable. Personal representatives can sue when a party’s negligence cost their loved one’s life.

At Gordon Gordon & Centracchio, our personal injury attorneys help families and personal representatives seek justice in the name of their loved one – as well as compensation to help them carry on. We know these cases require sensitivity and attention to detail. We are thorough in every wrongful death case.

When A Wrongful Death Claim Is Appropriate

A variety of circumstances may result in a wrongful death in Illinois, such as:

Every case is unique. If you are not sure whether negligence contributed to the death of your loved one, we can assess your claim and give you clear, honest answers. If we find that you may have a compelling case, we can help you identify evidence to strengthen your claim.

A Claim Could Lead To Meaningful Benefits

Possible damages in a wrongful death case can include:

  • Medical expenses related to the fatal injury or condition
  • Funeral expenses
  • Loss of household income and future economic benefits
  • Loss of companionship, parenting and other relationship aspects
  • Grief, sorrow and other profound emotional losses

Your loved one’s life has no price. However, you deserve to move forward with some measure of restitution. We can help you honor your loved one’s memory while seeking compensation for the many different types of losses you may suffer.

Discuss Your Case With Experienced Trial Lawyers

Our team at Gordon Gordon & Centracchio can inform and encourage you during this difficult experience. We have the skill to take negligent companies and individuals to court to get results for you. If we fail to win your case, you do not have to pay attorneys’ fees. Call 312-332-5200312-332-5200 or contact our Chicago firm for a free consultation.