9 Questions To Ask When You’re Injured In An Accident

On behalf of Gordon Law Offices, Ltd.   |  Aug 01, 2018   |  Firm News

In the moment you’re in an accident, your mind is racing. After all, it’s an incredibly traumatic event and thinking rationally isn’t something that comes natural. However, knowing what questions to ask – and get answered – when you’re injured in an accident can be absolutely vital to your potential case. Timing is everything. Don’t wait to ask these questions days later.

Keep this “cheat sheet” of 9 questions from Gordon Gordon & Centracchio handy for this very instance – in fact, we suggest printing it out and putting it in your vehicle’s glove compartment so you’re prepared.

  1. Was there a camera at the stoplight? The city or state you’re in may erase its camera footage after a certain amount of time. You and your personal injury attorney should act quickly to ensure this footage is retained.
  2. Was there anyone else in the car? In your car or the other car?
    You want witnesses in addition to knowing the insurance information of the other driver.
  3. Did you file a crash report on the accident?
    According to Illinois State Police, each driver involved in an Illinois traffic crash must file a traffic crash report if the crash caused a death, bodily injury or more than $1,500 of property damage when all drivers are insured.
  4. Were you driving the company car at the time of the accident? Were you driving a vehicle for work?
  5. Who owns the car?
  6. Are you hurt?
  7. What do you notice about your body in terms of pain and injuries?
    Don’t “tough it out.” This is a big mistake because it can result in a gap in treatment. Most injuries are not so acute that you believe you have to go to the hospital right away, but don’t ignore the pain you may feel anywhere. If you notice something different about your body such as your neck not feeling right, you must do something about it right away.
  8. Should you take photos? Of what?
    This is one you can automatically answer in the “Yes” column immediately. Take as many photos as you can, including:
    1. Your car
    2. The other driver’s car
    3. The road
    4. Evidence of the weather at the time
    5. Photos that clearly show the direction of traffic
  9. Should you give any recorded statement to the insurance company for the other vehicle?
    NO. This is THE biggest mistake that people make. The insurance company for the other vehicle will contact you within 24 to 48 hours. They will ask you questions so that they can record your answers. Their aim is to get a recorded statement from you under oath, which will almost certainly not position you in the best light and can only hurt you. So if an insurance company wants to ask you questions or makes any threats, do NOT answer their questions and only refer them to your personal injury attorney.

Now that you know just what questions to ask when you’re injured in an accident, it’s time to get answers with the help of Gordon Gordon & Centracchio. Call us at 312.332.5200 for a free consultation and review of your case. From investigation to preparation to trial, our personal injury attorneys are committed to your full physical, emotional and financial recovery.

The information you obtain on this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation. The information on this website is not a substitute for personal legal advice. While we invite you to contact us, please note that contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship, unless you are accepted as a client of the firm. Reviewing the information on this site also does not constitute an attorney-client relationship between you and Gordon Gordon & Centracchio, Ltd.